Best Tiny House Bathroom Designs 2019

Aging is a blessing, but it comes with its own set of challenges. Although the years make you wiser, they can also take a toll on your physical health.

You may find your eyesight going bad, your joints hurting with little movement, and your agility decreasing.

Because of these inevitable changes, the elderly should live in a home that can accommodate their needs. This means a house with non-slip floors, doorways that can fit a wheelchair, and one without stairs.

Ferne and Merle
Living Big In A Tiny House

Luckily for Merle, her retirement home is all of that and more. Her humble abode was designed by none other than her daughter, Ferne, so she got only the best elderly-, disability-, and mobility-friend tiny house there is.

Merle had moved back to Victoria, Australia, where Ferne lives on a beautiful farm. She wanted to live close to her family, but she also wanted her own private space.

Elderly-, disability-, and mobility-friendly tiny home
Living Big In A Tiny House

So Ferne, a tiny house designer, took on the challenge of creating a home conducive for her aging mom. Although she has already built many beautiful houses, she wanted her mother's to be her best work.

Ferne designed Merle's stunning 23.5 x 8 ft home to meet her various needs. She made it to be completely mobility friendly and accessible, with ramps leading up to the house with wide entrances and no trip hazards.

The kitchen countertops were built at a height that would be comfortable for her mom.

The kitchen of an elderly-, disability-, and mobility-friendly tiny home
Living Big In A Tiny House

The tiny home's design also took into account potential changes. If Merle were to need a wheelchair, the house wouldn't need to be redesigned or rearranged.

Ferne reinforced the walls in places where handrails could be placed should her mother need to hold onto something if or when she loses her foothold.

Should the family decide to sell or move, the beautiful patio could be dismantled. However, that's a far-fetched idea, considering the tiny home is situated within a lovely farm.

The living area of an elderly-, disability-, and mobility-friendly tiny home
Living Big In A Tiny House

The view is incredible, but Ferne designed the roof and walls in such a way that insulation wouldn't be an issue for Merle during the winter.

And because this is Australia, there are screens to keep insects from entering. The main screen by the entrance ramp is motorized, so Merle only has to push a button to raise or lower that part.

As for the interior, Ferne let her mom decide. Merle chose the colors and designs that made her feel this was really her own space. She went for the timber look, but with more shine, so the tiny home would have an open space feel.

The bedroom of an elderly-, disability-, and mobility-friendly tiny home
Living Big In A Tiny House

Ferne also installed underfloor heating, which is such a welcome feature, especially for elderly folks. The floor is also non-slip and totally flat, so Merle could safely move from one area of her home to another.

With a push of a button, Merle can have her bed lifted to the ceiling during the daytime. It runs on a 12-volt battery and runs through channels on the wall.

Elderly friendly restroom
Living Big In A Tiny House

The cabinets were built into the walls, and drawers were installed in places that would be easy for Merle to access on her own.

This lucky lady gets around with a walker easily. She can go to her bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom hassle-free, providing her with the independence she wants.

Merle says this house is the best present her daughter has ever given her, and we couldn't agree more.

Merle tending to her garden
Living Big In A Tiny House

This sweet lady's home is special not only because of its brilliant design. This house allows her to do all the things she loves and stay close to her family so she can watch her granddaughter grow up.

When asked what her favorite part is, she said, "Everything."

With such a beautiful house, it would really be difficult to choose a favorite. To see more of this amazing tiny home, check out the video below.

To see more amazing Tiny Home tours, please visit Living Big in a Tiny House on YouTube.

Best Tiny House Bathroom Designs 2019


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