Funny Words That Start With M to Describe Someone

Welcome to our magical, magnificent, mirthful, mammoth-sized list of adjectives starting with M! The letter M is smack-dab in the middle of the alphabet, but it is certainly not a forgotten or overlooked letter as it is very commonly, as you can see from this list, used at the start of adjectives. In fact, there are so many adjectives that begin with M, that even though we excluded obscure and rarely used ones, there is still a really long list here! And there are plenty of great M adjectives to describe a person in a positive way. There are also quite a few neutral or negative ones as well. This collection has been separated into 3 parts in order to make it easier for you to find what you are looking for.

  • All adjectives that start with M
  • Adjectives that start with M to describe a person
  • Positive adjectives that start with M

Adjectives Starting With M

adjectives that start with m

  • macabre
  • Machiavellian
  • macho
  • mad
  • maddening
  • magenta
  • magic
  • magical
  • magnanimous
  • magnetic
  • magnificent
  • maiden
  • main
  • maintainable
  • majestic
  • major
  • make-believe
  • makeshift
  • maladjusted
  • male
  • malevolent
  • malicious
  • malignant
  • malleable
  • mammoth
  • mammoth-sized
  • manageable
  • managerial
  • mandatory
  • maneuverable
  • mangy
  • maniacal
  • manic
  • manicured
  • manipulative
  • man-made
  • mannered
  • manual
  • many
  • marbled
  • marginal
  • marked
  • marketable
  • married
  • marvelous
  • masked
  • massive
  • master
  • masterful
  • matchless
  • adjectives that start with N
  • material
  • materialistic
  • maternal
  • mathematical
  • matronly
  • matted
  • mature
  • maximum
  • meager
  • mean
  • meandering
  • meaningful
  • meaningless
  • mean-spirited
  • measly
  • measurable
  • meat-eating
  • meaty
  • mechanical
  • medical
  • medicinal
  • meditative
  • medium
  • medium-rare
  • meek
  • melancholy
  • mellow
  • melodic
  • melodious
  • melodramatic
  • melted
  • memorable
  • menacing
  • menial
  • mental
  • merciful
  • merciless
  • mercurial
  • mere
  • merry
  • messy
  • metabolic
  • metallic
  • metaphoric
  • meteoric
  • meticulous
  • Mexican
  • microscopic
  • microwaveable
  • middle
  • middle-class
  • midweek
  • mighty
  • mild
  • militant
  • militaristic
  • military
  • adjectives that start with S
  • milky
  • mincing
  • mind-bending
  • mindful
  • mindless
  • mini
  • miniature
  • minimal
  • minimum
  • minor
  • minute
  • miraculous
  • mirthful
  • miscellaneous
  • mischievous
  • miscreant
  • miserable
  • miserly
  • misguided
  • misleading
  • mistaken
  • mistrustful
  • mistrusting
  • misty
  • mixed
  • mnemonic
  • moaning
  • mobile
  • mocking
  • moderate
  • modern
  • modest
  • modified
  • modular
  • moist
  • moldy
  • momentary
  • momentous
  • monetary
  • money-grubbing
  • monopolistic
  • monosyllabic
  • monotone
  • monotonous
  • monstrous
  • monumental
  • moody
  • moral
  • moralistic
  • morbid
  • mordant
  • more
  • moronic
  • morose
  • mortal
  • words to describe someone
  • mortified
  • most
  • motherly
  • motionless
  • motivated
  • motivating
  • motivational
  • motor
  • mountainous
  • mournful
  • mouthwatering
  • movable
  • moving
  • much
  • muddled
  • muddy
  • muffled
  • muggy
  • multicultural
  • multifaceted
  • multipurpose
  • multi talented
  • mumbled
  • mundane
  • municipal
  • munificent
  • murky
  • muscular
  • mushy
  • musical
  • musky
  • Muslim
  • musty
  • mutative
  • mute
  • muted
  • mutinous
  • muttering
  • mutual
  • my
  • myopic
  • mysterious
  • mystic
  • mystical
  • mystified
  • mystifying
  • mythical

adjectives that begin with m

Adjectives That Start With M To Describe A Person

  • Machiavellian
  • macho
  • mad
  • maddening
  • magical
  • magnanimous
  • magnetic
  • magnificent
  • maiden
  • majestic
  • maladjusted
  • male
  • malevolent
  • malicious
  • malleable
  • manageable
  • managerial
  • maniacal
  • manic
  • manipulative
  • marketable
  • married
  • marvelous
  • masked
  • massive
  • master
  • matchless
  • materialistic
  • maternal
  • mathematical
  • matronly
  • mature
  • mean
  • meaningful
  • meaningless
  • mean-spirited
  • meat-eating
  • mechanical
  • medical
  • meek
  • melancholy
  • mellow
  • melodramatic
  • memorable
  • menacing
  • mental
  • merciful
  • merciless
  • adjectives that start with L
  • mercurial
  • merry
  • messy
  • meticulous
  • Mexican
  • middle
  • middle-class
  • mighty
  • militant
  • militaristic
  • mincing
  • mindful
  • mindless
  • mirthful
  • mischievous
  • miscreant
  • miserable
  • miserly
  • misguided
  • misleading
  • mistrustful
  • mistrusting
  • moaning
  • modern
  • modest
  • money-grubbing
  • monotonous
  • monstrous
  • moody
  • moral
  • moralistic
  • morbid
  • moronic
  • morose
  • mortal
  • mortified
  • motherly
  • motionless
  • motivated
  • motivating
  • motivational
  • mournful
  • muddled
  • multicultural
  • multi talented
  • mundane
  • munificent
  • muscular
  • musical
  • Muslim
  • mute
  • mutinous
  • mysterious
  • mystic
  • mystical
  • mystified
  • mystifying
  • mythical

Positive adjectives That Start With M

  • magic
  • magical
  • magnanimous
  • magnetic
  • magnificent
  • majestic
  • manicured
  • marketable
  • marvelous
  • master
  • masterful
  • maternal
  • mature
  • meaningful
  • meditative
  • mellow
  • melodic
  • melodious
  • memorable
  • merciful
  • merry
  • meticulous
  • mighty
  • mindful
  • miraculous
  • mirthful
  • modern
  • modest
  • momentous
  • monumental
  • moral
  • more
  • motherly
  • motivated
  • motivating
  • motivational
  • mouthwatering
  • moving
  • multicultural
  • multipurpose
  • multi talented
  • munificent
  • adjectives that start with D

We truly hope that you were able to find exactly what you needed in this selection of adjectives beginning with M and that you will return here often whenever you need some help expanding your vocabulary, surrounding or writing more eloquently, paying compliments or when you just can't find the right words to express yourself. This collection of M adjectives will always be right here ready for you to find the person M words to describe someone, someplace or something. We really appreciate the letter M which allows us to describe so much of the world around us with these marvelous and meaningful descriptive words that start with M.


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